What is RoHun Therapy
and How Does it Work?

RoHun™ Therapy, is a powerful, energy-based spiritual psychology that awakens your higher centers of love, intuition, and wisdom, to heal and transform.

Developed in 1981 by Patricia Hayes, Founder and Director of The Ro-Hun Institute, her work is the result of over 20 yrs. of intense study, research, and teaching in Spiritual Development, and Metaphysical & Holistic Healing.

Discover how we are more than just a physical body. We are holistic beings composed of body, mind, and spirit. When we are in balance, we radiate physical health, peace of mind and love.

Clearing, Healing, Enlightening

By tapping into unconscious regions of the mind, we clear away negative thoughts, mental blocks, or emotions that limit your ability to thrive personally, physically and spiritually, and replace them with enlightened ones. Immensely beneficial for all of us, RoHun is especially effective for those suffering from forms of abuse or trauma.

Rapid, Interactive & Freeing

Results are quickly realized and interpreted via the interactive process between Rose and her client. By shifting energy within the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies, negative thought patterns are released, and clients are freed to access their own intuition to attract positive experiences and opportunities.

Ro is the vibration.
Hun is the healing.

Together, we work from our hearts and use
our intuitive ability to “see”
who we really are
and the positive opportunities before us

RoHun Therapy
utilizes the 4 major truths below and shifts our focus from outside ourself to within, to clear, heal and enlighten.



Spiritual Understanding &


Wholeness &


Continuity of


Energy & The Chakras

Focusing on our Chakras, RoHun enables us to free “blocked energy” restoring our bodies, mind and spirit to a balanced, flowing state. “Chakra” means wheel of spinning energy. Seven main chakras in our body align from the base of our spine, and extend through the crown of our head.

The energy stored in our chakras reflects how we think and feel about ourself. It emanates from us and attracts correlating experiences, negative or positive, depending on our energy.

Negative thoughts and feelings create blocks which stop us from living and loving to our full potential. We feel trapped or “stuck.” Our trapped feelings cause us to develop protective barriers, or defense mechanisms. RoHun refers to these as our “Reactive Selves.”  This negative energy attracts negative, undesirable experiences and situations. When a “Reactive Self” is released, our true “Loving Self” returns attracting loving and positive experiences.

Rose specializes in an area that’s right for you, on your journey of transformation.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Intuitive Counseling & Other Offerings

Meet Rose Meenach, CCHt

Rose has a rich and varied background that integrates intensive training in the evolving areas of Spirituality and Metaphysics—her personal passions.

With extensive experience, Rose continues to impact the health and wellbeing of thousands as a Transpersonal therapist. She assists others in achieving profound and sustainable change in all areas of life. Her unique style focuses on balancing the material with the spiritual, practicality with inspiration, and logic with intuition.

Contact Rose
